  • 新加坡 Hotel Review Couple Solo

    Experience our Art and Craft

    • TripZilla
    • 27 十二月 2022

    In this series, we share illuminating insider stories and snippets recounting how we bring our art and craft to life. What inspires us. Why we do what we do. Read on to discover how The Clan Hotel does things differently from the rest.

    We believe in helping our guests lead rich, stimulating lives. Which is why we offer you authentic, curated experiences that provide a fascinating peek into the heritage of Singapore.

    Occupying a strategic vantage point in Singapore’s bustling business district, The Clan Hotel offers a closer look inside the vibrant and historic culture that shapes us. Our story is inspired by the numerous clan associations that dot our neighbourhood, where Singapore’s forefathers helped Chinese settlers make this land their own. Immerse yourself in the colourful history of the clans as you begin a new chapter of discovery. Get ready to be enthralled by the novel experiences that await you.

    Celebrating local heroes 

    To help us bring these unique experiences to life, we believe in nurturing and showcasing the talents of our homegrown artisans.

    Just like our forefathers who displayed vision and passion to transform Singapore from a sleepy fishing village into a buzzing metropolis, we believe that this new breed of local entrepreneurs will fuel Singapore’s next phase of growth with their skills and ingenuity. That is why we have joined hands to support them in their journey.

    “The Clan Collective” represents a collaboration with the cream of Singapore’s art and culture ambassadors. We partner with trend makers who are at the pinnacle of their game. See how some members of The Clan Collective are busy redefining Singapore-inspired hospitality.

    Grace Tan – Award-winning Master Artist 

    To construct a striking centrepiece at the entrance of The Clan Hotel, we commissioned a modern art installation called ‘The Pact’, under Grace’s tutelage.

    When you enter The Clan Hotel, the first structure you lay eyes on is “The Pact”.

    Inspired by the strength of community, and the unity displayed by Singapore’s clan associations, the installation draws on a geometric origami technique originating from Chinese migrants. It’s how we pledge that we will anticipate your every need and welcome you like family.

    The story of the clans is inseparable from ours. Weaving together the fabric of society. Cultivating the economic, social and family ties that bring people together. Honouring the unspoken pact to help one’s own people in a foreign land. All these aspects were faithfully nurtured by the clans of yore. Even today, this tradition continues – at The Clan Hotel.

    Ivan Yeo – Raising the bar 

    Our newest cultural revelation is a creation that gets the most cheers. We joined hands with local brew master Ivan Yeo from The 1925 Brewing Co. to create a signature house beer that pays homage to the influences of Singapore’s clan associations. From one clan to another, here’s the recipe for refreshment, updated for the 21st century.

    Orient Brew beer is created differently, using White Chrysanthemum as a central ingredient. This oriental staple – with its inviting fragrance and refreshing taste – first made its appearance in herbal teas consumed by the clans of yore. As a catalyst for stimulating conversation, social mingling and relaxation.

    When combined with classic western ingredients, Oriental Brew offers the best of both worlds. The results are unconventional, yet pleasantly thirst quenching, and can be enjoyed to unwind and socialise after a hard day’s work.

    Brewing new experiences 

    We go beyond a conventional nightly turndown service. Providing guests with a restorative Cocoon Ritual tea experience to end the day. Back in the day of the clan associations, keeping mind and body fully rested was deemed essential for business success.

    The Cocoon Ritual tea experience pays tribute to early Chinese settlers who found comfort and camaraderie over shared memories like the scent of tea being brewed back home before bed time. Our custom blend of tea, brewed at your bedside, is a nourishing blend of Asian and Western ingredients that include Red Dates and Goji Berry to ward off the stress of a busy lifestyle. Whether you are a tea connoisseur or simply seeking relaxation, there’s no better way to seize the day fully rested.

    Click here to discover more one-of-a-kind experiences that inspire your own journey of discovery.

    The Clan Hotel

    10 Cross Street, Singapore 048417
    +65 6228 6388

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