Set against Sentosa’s storied backdrop of maritime intrigue, The Barracks Hotel Sentosa was once a British artillery outpost, home to soldiers from afar. Now lovingly restored, the hotel transports world-weary wanderers to the golden age of travel, when travel was – and still is – a stylish art form, filled with marvel, romance and discovery.
From Barracks heritage tales, private lush pools to sumptuous breakfast and evening canapes at The Living Room, moments here are crafted with care and stamped with the hallmark of thoughtful luxury. Once the clock begins to slow down, explore every intricate layer of the island’s past; we promise you will leave with an exquisite experience to tell.
The Barracks Hotel Sentosa is part of the enclave of hotels in Sentosa by Far East Hospitality, home to another three uniquely-designed offerings – wellness at Oasia Resort Sentosa, adult-centric at The Outpost Hotel Sentosa, and family-fun at Village Hotel Sentosa. Enjoy the shared activities, an award-winning spa, a plethora of dining options, and unique experiences during your visit, as well as access a myriad of event spaces at the Events Centre.